
Showing posts from June, 2020

Living My Best Life Tour: I'm Miss World AN 2020, FFP Awards 2020 and I Launched a Communications Firm

Hey guys!  Thanks for reading. I hope everyone is doing well. I know it's been quite a while since I've updated this blog but I've been doing a lot of work and a lot of cool things since the last time I posted. I needed to focus my time on things other than blogging for a while so that I could get things in line for my future success.  I guess I'll go in order of how things happened. First of all, I'm Miss World America Nation 2020 ! Last time you heard from me, I had a regional title in a different pageant system. Now, I have a title in a new system (since December) with which I've pledged to do community service on a global scale! I've been able to do a nice amount of work so far but we'll see how things pan out at the end of my reign in March ;)  Second, I was blessed enough to be able to successfully host the second annual Fresh Faces Project Awards in early March right before the quarantine. It was a hit! We were able to honor over 40 individuals an...