Audi - Chicago's Fashion Week Finale

Hi guys!

I hope you guys are doing awesome! I am coming to you today blogging about Audi presenting the Chicago Fashion Week Finale, hosted by Fashion Bar Chicago. Shoutout to them for the invitation, especially Caitlin Nero! :)

If the goal was to end off with a bang, then mission thoroughly accomplished! I'm not quite sure where to start. There were so many things that I enjoyed about the entire event. How about the stark diversity amongst the pieces? I saw everything from dresses to costumes to pants suits to athletic wear. They really put together a nice multitude of fashion styles so that literally evryone in the audience could have something they loved. With so many collections that were presented, I got more than my fair share of eye candy for this season LOL. I also appreciate the fact that they had models of many ethnic backgrounds, sizes and it was co-ed. This was very nice to see as many times, all of the models in major fashion shows look very similar. So, kudos to the designers and casting director for the plethora of looks!

The first picture below shows my favorite three designs that competed in their Avant Garde competition amongst the designers. The challenge was to create a unique piece that symbolized the story of Chicago. The first representing the nightlife, the famous Skyline and the "fun" environment. The second, which turned out to be the winner (I agreed), represented the Valentine's Day Massacre with infamous Al Capone, even having authentic newspaper from that time woven into the garment, thus representing Chicago's long standing "gangster" persona. The last represented cancer awareness, love, beauty and life, which were all things Chicago is big on. The winning designer is linked below.

It was quite the experience, and I am so grateful that I got to attend. Thank you so much to Tony Long, the CEO of Fahsion Bar Chicago, for making this happen! His passion is unbelievable and inspiring to everyone. I hope to be able to attend again next time ;)

Chicago's Fashion Week
Fashion Bar Chicago
Audi of Chicago
Avante Garde Winner VJG Clothing


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