Shannon Dermody's Photography Project Crushes Fairytale Endings and Exposes Reality, While Going Viral!

Hi guys! I hope all is well :) Thanks again for reading. The other day, I came across a very moving photography collection on Facebook and I just HAD to interview the artist. Her name is Shannon Dermody and she allowed us to ask her a few questions avo9ut her twist on fantasy culture and how it effects society today. "In my class we were assigned to create a 9 photo series. I have uploaded only 8 due to viewer purposes,but you can find it on my website an it is now unlocked! My concept I created was to show awareness of problems that is going on in the world today.So I decided to use characters that are held in a very high manner to show real world problems that greatly impact todays society. " - Shannon Dermody **Check out her full project here (Trigger Warning): Click me! What made you create this project? I created this project because it was originally a school assignment. I had to create a 9 photo series that all flowe...