Special Fresh Faces Feature: Lady Boss Blogger, Elaine Rau

Hey guys! 

I am coming at you guys with a very special Fresh Faces participant. Here, I have a phenomenal Public Relations powerhouse and inspirational blogger. She was so kind as to feature me on her platform and I am honored! This post is a thank you to her to show my gratitiude as well as inform my followers of what an awesome woman she is. This is her story.

Elaine Rau is the Founder and CEO of Ladybossblogger.com. Her journey towards entrepreneurship wasn't easy, nor was it expected. After college Elaine worked in various fields and positions jumping from job to job until she realized that her skills and abilities aligned well with the wedding industry. With her newfound revelation she pursued any and all wedding positions, broke into the industry, got certified as a wedding planner, worked her way up the corporate ladder and held the title as National Wedding Sales Manager to one of the largest photo and video companies in America. Even though she loved her job, her lifestyle, and the amount of money she was making, she longed for something more. She desired for two things: 1) to be able to control how she spent her time and 2) to connect with her creative side again, having studied studio art in college - she needed a creative outlet. In addition to everything else, her fiance lived in Honduras and they had already been dating long distance for a year and she was getting tired of it. So she quit, packed up her life in Chicago into two suitcases and set off to Honduras and to her new life. 

It wasn’t the smoothest of transitions, having barely planned anything prior to leaving wasn’t the smartest move either. She didn’t realize how much it would cost upfront to move and ended up spending $10,000 within the first few weeks she was there towards buying a car, getting a house, and other fees due to settling in a new place.
She didn’t speak Spanish, didn’t have a job lined up, and considering that Honduras has an unemployment rate of 85% - she knew had to get creative. So one day after a month of being in Honduras, she was sitting at home thinking about what skills she had to offer (and how no one wanted them here) and how she could make the most of a sad jobless situation, she thought back to my previous experiences in Chicago and came up with a plan of action. she was going to start a blog and write about the people that she wanted to be herself, a female entrepreneur. The point of Ladybossblogger.com is to elevate women who don't get the media coverage they deserve and need as well as create an online community of women who share insight and expertise on their field with the other women through our Facebook Networking Group.

If you are interested in being featured on Ladybossblogger.com or have a girlfriend you would like to recommend to be featured, please contact Elaine at ladybossblogger@gmail.com and connect with Elaine on her social media business outlets linked below. Also, please chek out her images and support her amazing cause.

Instagram @ladybossblogger
Twitter @ladybossblogger
Facebook @ladybossblogger
Facebook Group @ladybossblogger
Google Plus @ladybossblogger
LinkedIn @elainerau


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