Hi guys! First let me say that I am so happy to introduce a new movement with you guys! I was so fortunate to be invited to Black Fashion Week USA last month in February and I had an awesome time. You may ask what is Black Fashion Week USA? Well, in short it is a movement that encourages black fashion professionals to pursue their optimum potential while also uplifting fellow personnel of color As someone who has been working in the fashion industry for over half a decade, I can sure vouch that the industry is a little starved for minority representation. However, I fully support the idea of Back Fashion Week because it is something new and innovative that will hopefully inspire minorities to put their best foot forward when seeking a career in the industry! At the end of the day, it is all about team work. We as a people have to help each other in order to achieve mass success. At the event, I appreciated how it was not your typical first thought of "fashion week." It wa...