YEAR BOOK P1 (Comments to my former Classmates and A Few Honorary Mentions)

Hey guys!

I'm coming at you today with a discussion post. It has been quite a while since I made one of these. However, I was inspired by reminiscing with some of my associates about how much your experiences in school shape the sort of person that you become in the real world. I must say that I can agree because my times in both high school and grade school certainly affected the person that I have grown to be. Honestly, I wouldn't take it back, not the awkward moments, the piles of school work, mindless beefing with your peers, memorizing pointless facts that you won't ever apply in life again unless you go into a certain field..all of that teaches you social skill, builds character, reinforces your personal discipline and allows you to discover who you are and what you want to do with your life. Everything happens for a reason! This post is dedicated to my former 2014 high school classmates. I will do a follow up post "Year Book P2" for my grammar school classmates and eventually a "Year Book P3" once I graduate college. Thanks for reading :)

1)Nikhaule- You are a very stubborn person! But that same strong mindedness is what has gotten you so far secularly and has allowed you to endure through any pressures that you have faced from opposing haters. Keep on chasing your dreams and don't let anyone tell you different!

2)Nailah - You are one of the sweetest people ever and definitely one of the best dancers! Keep on busting your tail to perfect those turns and jumps because one day you will be super successful.

3)Mikaela - You are a beautiful individual, both inside and out! You always had your own style and you didn't let anybody else's opinion influence your personal choices or your confidence. That fierce attitude is what's gonna propel you into a massive modeling career one day!

4)Malik B- You are so hilarious and you have no sense! I remember countless times when I would be on the floor balling because your humor was unbearable. That humorous outlook on life can shield you from a lot of unnecessary heart ache. Keep the jokes going and keep the audience laughing!

5)Ethan W- You always had an intelligent reply for every single comment that was thrown your way. Although it was funny when you would not even have the capacity to respond to certain stupidity, you still kept a very light hearted demeanor with everything.

6)Daniella P- You had an angelic singing voice and that talent is going to carry you throughout your music career! From the very first time I heard you sing until the very last, it was always extremely enjoyable and that is something to commend you on and you were just a very cool person. You go girl!

7)Nicolette K- I enjoyed every single class that we ever had together! Not only because you had a wicked sense of style but because you just had such a nice down to earth personality and I felt that I could talk to you about anything!

8)Alexis A- I appreciated how you didn't care what anybody had to say and you always stood resolute in your beliefs. You didn't let anybody shake you when you put your mind to something and you were quick to assertively let somebody know that their thoughts were irrelevant! That's why you are continuing to do you and your opposers don't face you

9)Jabri Whirl- JAAABRRI! You were a jack of all trades and that determination was beyond inspiring. You definitely had a knack for conquering any obstacles that were thrown at you. Whether it was an intricate art project, an intense AP level math class or composing music, you always got the job done!

10)ShaDe P- Now you already know what I am going to say..You were crazy girl! But that care free personality caused a lot of fun memories. You always had a way of cheering people up with that humorous personality and a lot of people benefited from it!

11) Audrienna- You were too fabulous NuNu! Whether you had on sweats or a dress and flats, you always looked cute and classy. You were always a sweetheart but you would quickly inform someone if they mistook that kindness for a weakness!

12)Hallema - You were a great mentor to your freshman! You inspired me to maintain a better balance of fun and firmness. You were able to carry this demeanor over into your personal relationships as well, you were all down for jokes and fun but you did not have time for anyone who thought they were gonna try you lol!

13)Tyra - Your sassiness was life! You always had such a bold personality but you kept it reserved for the right place and time. You never got messy because you knew you were above that! I appreciated that because it showed your maturity.

14)Kendra- You always kept it real! Whether it was with a teacher, a classmate or your adorable nephew you let people know quickly and professionally what it was and what it wasn't! Being partnered with you as Youth Leaders during Freshman Connection was quite a fun experience.

15)Adrian B- Me and you had a lot of classes together, especially sophomore year. There was definitely times when we got on eachother's nerves but I never got tired of that funny creepy voice going "Miss Lawrence"(snort snort) lol because that strange humor put a smile on my face countless times! And you were a great baseball player.

16)David B- You were one heck of a character and a dedicated athlete! You were even creepier than Adrian lol but it was always in good fun.

17)Shinon- DW! Lol. You always tried your best to be active in the school community. I know for a fact that a great amount of your time was spent volunteering because I would be as well. You made sure that you made a difference whenever you could and that compassion was admirable.

18)CeCe G- You had absolutely no worries and that was the fun part about you! Your carefree attitude made you very pleasant to be around and your company was never overwhelming, always peaceful!

19) Sean A- You were a very intelligent individual and you always had very interesting opinions! When it came to a discussion that you were passionate about you always had a stark rebuttal and thought provoking questions. Even with such smarts, you still maintained a chill demeanor.

20)Jasmine Gowdy- Girl! You are full of life! You had a very colorful personality and a very eccentric style to match. You had no problems setting a new trend or being different because you recognized that being different is what's gonna make you stand out from the crowd. Who wants to just blend in?

21)Eden Li - You are such a sweetheart and I appreciated every single conversation that we had! You were always very encouraging and humble and that was always a plus when being in your company!

22)Danielle J- You are one fiesty girl and that same firey passion is going to push you to accomplish your goals and meet whatever criteria you feel necessary to fulfill your potential! That's why you just brush off the nonsense and continue on with your stride because you know that endurance will pay off.

23) Kia K- You always had the crowd laughing! Even on your worst day, you had a joke up your sleeve that would have the whole audience on the floor! This was always a great contribution to any conversation because it was always enjoyable.

24)Daniel J - You were always such a nice guy! You had a very caring and loving demeanor when it came to the good of others. If someone needed you, they could count on you!

25)Avendah - AVIE! You were very reserved but you were great to talk to. Any time we had class together, I didn't hesitate to strike up a conversation with you because I knew that you were a listening ear and an endearing person. That is very much appreciated!

26)Gabrielle H- You are very creative! You let that creativity guide you to pursue many talents and that is going to really pay off in your future. It already has!

27)Pacci- You had the type of personality that no one could hate on. You were always very friendly and fun and never caused any problems!

28)Grace T- You have such an easy going personality and inviting demeanor that I could always approach you about anything. Whether I needed your help with something or just to share a story, I knew that I could talk with you.

29) Chris S- You inspired me with your awesome art skills and fearless confidence! I hope to one day be on your level of skill as your works never failed to impress me!

30)Marquis - EQUAN! You were so goofy but it was always in good fun lol and it lightened the mood.

31)Lakeeyah - Miss Funches, you are a trip but that's good because your multifaceted personality is a tool that will come in handy one day. You have the ability to be a comedian, counselor and comrad lol! That made you a great mentor to your freshman as well. It is no doubt that your vivid involvement in the community was fit for such a diverse person.

32) Krysta W- Krysta, you were always someone that I could look up to. With a profound maturity, you were able to maintain your extra curriculurs, high GPA and close friendships. Your perspective on things was far beyond your age in years!

33)Bess - You had a very sassy but sweet personality and I enjoyed your entertaining humor because it was very unique!

34) Miguel A- TWIN!! Now you already know...I always enjoyed class with you because you had a hilarious personality that was unmatchable. I miss those days sometimes when we would have such crazy conversations!

35)Ashley S- Ashley, I know that we did not have many classes together but I always enjoyed seeing you at breakfast. You were such a cool person who always had something nice to say!

36)Gloria P- Although we did not have many classes together, I always thought you were nice. And I admired your natural beauty. You should consider modeling girl!

37)Ramone B- Ramone.....You are crazy but that was always great to cheer up the mood and it made people laugh. Also, your style was on point!

38)Imelda- You grew up so much from Preschool until now and I will go more into detail about you in my part 2 since you fit both categories :)

39) Jennifer V- OMG I loved having class with you because you had the realest personality ever! You were opinionated, outspoken and driven! That's why your makeup was always on some other levels and you were a natural born hustler! lol

40)Martin G- Shoe game was tight...for real

41) Ruben S- Although we only had a few classes together, I thought your passion for soccer was real and I hope that goes well for you in the long run.

42)Josh - I appreciated how you were reserved for the most part and didn't really dibble and dabble in the drama. Stay focused on your goals and you will definitely achieve them

43)Dan L - We used to have some of the deepest conversations in class and that was real! You were such a genius and I enjoyed your opinions because they were always inspiring.

44) Imani F- You are such a success girl and I knew that you would be from the day I first met you! You inspire me to do better

45) Serenity H- You always had a clever sense of humor and a great view on matters. That maturity was always a great trait and I can already see that it's paying off for you.

46) Zach T- You were always fun to be around because you are just naturally cool. You speak your mind and meet your goals, that's what's up!

47) Tennairy D- You are such a baddie! You had a sweet personality in addition to a nice appearance. Work!

48)Christie T- I loved your sense of fashion! It was always on fleek

49)Beatrice H- PEACHES! You were such a cute fashionista and that was always inspiring. I also thought that you were a good example to your mentees

50) Michael K - You were such a great "advisor" during Elite class! Your thoughts on any matter we brought to you were always profound and appreciated. I know that skill has taken you far

51)Cassidy O- You had a nice sense of style and your makeup skills were great!


52) Lee- Your talent is on some other levels and I really hope that you get to where you wanna be. Seeing you freestyle and put in work was inspiring!

53)Osiris- You are really pursuing your goals right now and I think that is awesome! You were just featured as a Fresh Face and I was happy to do the collab.

54)Amega - I'm still dead about that conversation like four years ago "Alpha or Omega?" Stay cool and don't let anybody knock you off your stride.

55)Marwin- You had a mind like no other and that was able to propel you down the path to success. Whether it was music, school, fashion or business, you had it! Keep that up.

56)Mikey- MIKEY! You were always so sweet and you did not ever have a negative word which was always encouraging

57)Rico- You were such a character! That's why you always kept us entertained

58)Lawrence- You always had your head on straight and that's why you are making moves now! Keep it up

59)Shakari- I see that you are really doing your thang with your music business and I hope that really blows up for you! I'm glad to see you are taking your talents seriously

60)Clavas- LIL RED! You are definitely someone who has matured into a young man. I see that you are really making it happen for yourself and your family and that is commendable.

61)Raymone - I love the fact that you are so passionate about your career. You certainly have grown into your adulthood and you are pushing for success! That's very admirable. Keep that up!

62)Michael Dye- You are doing good things with your time as I can see from your choice of endeavor and that is great because you aren't just chasing a dream but making a difference!


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