Fresh Face : Bernard Joiner!

Hey guys! How's everybody feeling? Today I am coming to you with the latest Fresh Face, Bernard Joiner! As an honors graduate who has been dancing since his early childhood, he is hustling to make himself into a true success story. Balancing high GPAs and high kick splits, he has managed to earn the respect of talent scouts, peers, professional dancers and instructors alike! He prides himself on claiming that he has lived the art of dance for over 9 years and plans to continue doing such until he can no longer. Hip hop is his strong suit but genres such as jazz, contemporary and others are far from foreign to him. As a part of his journey as a dancer, student and aspiring individual, he asks that you please check out his social media along with his GoFundMe for contributing towards his cause. Thank you! Instagram "BeeJay_Perfect" Donate to the Dancer If you would like to become the next Fresh Face, then email me at with 4+ pictur...